Friday, February 3, 2012

Exit Tickets

I saw Cari at The Centered School Library has been talking about assessment recently.  I often use exit tickets to assess student learning.   I have found them to be a very helpful way to check whether students understood a concept or main idea I was trying to get across during my lesson.  I have also been able to see where I went wrong or if I need to clarify anything in my next lesson.

I have tried a few different ways of giving exit tickets.  

I have used slips of paper: 

I also recently started using sticky notes.  I leave out a sign with the question and a few pads of sticky notes.  I have two places students can leave their sticky notes - a "parking lot" and a tree.  This lets me do sticky exit tickets with back to back classes.

My last type of exit ticket is electronic.  I used Wallwisher last week to have 4th graders post questions for an upcoming author visit.  It was not totally smooth...some kids didn't remember to click "ok" when they were done typing and their stickies didn't stay posted.  But, I think with some practice, this might be a fun way to evaluate at the end of a class.


  1. I am an elementary librarian as well. This is my first year in any library and I really like this idea. I was curious how your library time is set up. I have 40 minute blocks and I usually do something with them for the first 20-25 minutes. Then I allow them to check out books. Do you do the ticket to leave when they go to get out books? I feel like I am already getting into the routine of reading a story, doing a craft, and checking out books. I want it to be way more and have them learn skills.

  2. I have 30 minute classes (it's not enough, I wish I had 40!). I do a 15-20 minute lesson and then the last 10-15 minutes is book check-out and centers. If I do an exit ticket, I usually say it's the kids' job to do it before they leave - they can choose to do it right away or after they get books. Most choose to do it right away. I give them a reminder when there are 5 minutes left to get any stragglers.

    If you want to mix it up in the library, I highly recommend trying centers. The kids LOVE them and they are engaged in learning library skills the entire time they are in the library. You can make some centers related to what you're teaching and have others that review skills from earlier in the year. If you're interested, Cari at has TONS of center ideas and talks about how to start using them in your library :)

  3. Do you have any other exit tickets you are willing to share?

  4. Do the centers take the place of a lesson that day?

    1. I use centers to reinforce what students learn during my lesson. I always teach a 15-20 minute lesson, then students check out books, and then they choose a center for the remainder of the period. Some kids may have 15 minutes of center time, some may not have any if they spend all their time browsing. Centers give them time to practice skills (Order in the Library, Jenga trivia, question of the week), review vocab (crossword, pictionary), share ideas (shelf talkers, blurbs, blog), read (independent reading, book buddies, pop up books), and it has cut out nearly all behavior issues I've had because students are engaged in activities they chose.
