Friday, April 27, 2012


At a recent department meeting, one of our student teachers presented an awesome way she has been sharing what is going on in her library.  She and her supervising library teacher have been making Animoto videos.  I'm always snapping pictures (backs of heads!) of my library and I also do a weekly recap on my school blog...why not put the two together with Animoto!

I have made Animoto videos for the past two weekly recaps and they look awesome!  Animoto is very easy to use.  Each video took maybe 5 minutes to put together. 

Here is an example:



  1. Hi, Which level did you sign up in order to make your video?

    I really love your idea of a weekly recap.

    Thanks for sharing!!!!!

  2. Love this idea! Thank you for sharing it! Excited to do this for my weekly recap.

  3. How do you use the song? Is is just a short snippet?

  4. Animoto provides music to choose from and plays the song from the beginning. It will run however long the video is. I haven't explored if they have options to choose a different starting point in a song and I have only made videos shorter than the song length. Overall, it's such an easy tool for such a snazzy way to present!
