Saturday, March 17, 2012

Dr. Seuss's Birthday Bash, Part 2

Here are some of the things I did during library classes to celebrate our Dr. Seuss's Birthday Bash: 
I made a bulletin board to showcase students' work from the week: 
    At the Dr. Seuss Facts Center, students researched facts about Dr. Seuss and wrote them on the clouds: 

    They also wrote favorite books on the Truffula trees and drew their favorite characters to add to the bulletin board.

    I set up a Wacky Words Center so they could create their own words like Dr. Seuss often did: 
     Here are two of my favorite wacky words:
    Fifth graders were responsible for creating advertisements for Dr. Seuss's Birthday Bash and did a fantastic job:

     I used some of my regular centers during the week but Seuss-ified them: 

    I also have a blog for students.  Every week, I post a "Guess the Word Cloud" and of course did a Dr. Seuss cloud. (Sidenote: if you haven't checked out Tagxedo, you should!)
    My favorite activity of the week was the We LOVE Reading photo booth.  I put together a basket of Dr. Suess props and covered my ancient, broken SmartBoard with a background.  Students had to find their favorite book or Dr. Seuss book to use in the photo booth.  If I didn't have the book in the library, they wrote the title on a small whiteboard.  They had such a good time!  I'm waiting for the printed pictures to come from Snapfish but as soon as I get them, I will be making a big display of readers and their favorite books!

    Note to self - next time, make the background lower for my shorter readers :)


    1. Looks like everyone had a great time! Love your centers and the We Love Reading photo booth. I might have to steal that one for next year. =)


    2. WOW! I love all of this! I am a new follower and would love for you to come visit me when you get the chance. =)

      Heather's Heart

    3. Thank you for reminding me why it's okay that my certification is 7-12. I am so bulletin board impaired it's not even funny. What a great job you did for the whole celebration. I didn't even wear my Cat in the Hat outfit!

    4. Oh how I love Dr. Seuss Day...such a fun one. I recently posted pics from our celebration. I just found you and am your newest follower. :o)
      Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After
