Sunday, May 6, 2012


I think people often don't realize the many, varied ways we can be a support to classroom teachers and to students.  Having only been in my school this year, I'm still building relationships with my colleagues and it is still hard to convince some people to sign up for flex time to do research and use the resources we have available.  These are some of the ways I try to advertise all the library can be. 
One easy way I have found to advertise/publicize is by using the space around the entrance to my library.  This is where teachers line their classes up to enter the library and where they wait for their classes to be dismissed from the library.  Any way they turn, there's something library-related to look at.

I have my blurb wall on my door where I post news and students post their latest book recommendations.  I have a book shelf to the left of the door which I use to display books and highlight authors.

And lastly, I have a bulletin board outside, which I always use.   I also put things around the bulletin board.  I think it is probably a bit much for some people but it definitely catches your attention.
1) Joyce Valenza's "What do TL's Teach?" infographic.  She gave Creative Commons license to reuse.

2) An article from SLJ on how full time library teachers are linked to higher reading scores (my town does not have full time library teachers)

3) My library newsletter that goes home periodically with students

4) Why is reading important? poster made with students' exit tickets

5) Why is library important? poster, also made with students' exit tickets.  I think these posters are powerful statements because they are in students' own words.  The individual notes are a bit small so I have seen parents, students, and teachers standing close to the board to read them, which I hope draws them in to read the other things!  I have two additional "why do you read?" posters on either side of the bulletin board as wel.

6) A list of all the ways I can support teachers - putting together crates of books for a project, introducing the Super3 research process, reviewing or introducing specific resources, teaching notetaking lessons, co-planning a project, etc.

How do you advertise your library?  I would love to hear what other lovely librarians are doing to promote their library program. 


  1. Thank you for the great ideas.

  2. Thanks for the ideas! This is definitely one of my weaker areas. I love the "I'm reading" sentence strips!

  3. This is a great idea. I have been trying to think of ways to advertise my library more also. I love the exit ticket idea!
