Saturday, May 12, 2012


I have a long list of library projects to do this summer, including this one.  When I saw Duplo projects on Pinterest, I knew it was something I had to incorporate into my library.  I struggle with poetry and thought Duplo poetry would be a great center during poetry month. The blocks can also be used to write sentences or stories.  I also love having hands on activities like this and Library Trivia Jenga (and so do the kids!).

This morning when I was out for a run, I noticed some signs for a bunch of tag sales around the corner from  me.  I stopped home for some cash and headed over, hoping I could at least find a cute puzzle or some prize books.  This is what I came home with for only $8: 
I am beyond excited about all the fun things I can do with these!!!


  1. What an awesome score! I need to get more motivated to get out on weekends and yard sale shop.

    1. Do it! This was the first yard sale I've been to in years. They had some other good stuff but I only had the $8 on me. I'll definitely be hitting up a lot of yard sales this summer with all the Pinterest projects I want to do!

  2. Excellent score!! Please share your finished project! I also will be on the lookout for yard sales!! Congrats!!

    Anne-Marie Ross
    Library Media Specialist
    Manomet & Indian Brook Elementary Schools
    Plymouth, MA
